Enrollware Schedule Feed Example

The Enrollware schedule feed allows you to incorporate a dynamic class schedule within your web pages. Multiple class lists can be created by course type and location. The feed uses Jquery and a custom Jquery plugin, along with a css file for styling your class list.

To use the feed, download and install the .js and .css file. Then set up a page with the jquery call as shown below, replacing the sitename and course id with the appropriate values. The sitename is the hostname for your main Enrollware schedule, i.e. sitename.enrollware.com.

feed: "https://your-site-name.enrollware.com/registration/schedule-feed.ashx?courseid=your-course-id"

The "courseid" is a required querystring variable. Other optional variables that may be used include:

A zip file of this demo page and required files is located here.

The following is a live demo of the feed functionality:

Heartsaver CPR Classes:

Heartsaver CPR Classes in Fort Lauderdale:

ACLS Classes with locations and seats remaining not displayed: